ABC County Prosecutor/Child Support

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Application for Title IV-D Child Support

Submitting a Child Support form electronically involves two steps.
Step1. Please fill in the pdf application, save it to your local machine. Once you have a completed Child Support form saved on your local machine please fill the bottom fields and attach the completed application. Do not start filling the below fields until you have a completed application file to attach.
Step2. Start filling in the below form.
Case #
Applicant Name
State, ZIP
SSN# (enter last5 digits only)
Primary Phone
Email Address
Best Time and way to contact you
Signature of Applicant
Date Signed (mm-dd-yyyy)
I understand and agree that support payments collected hereafter from the non-custodial parent named above on behalf of myself and thee named children will be paid to the Department of Child Services, Child Support Bureau.
Any costs incurred in excess of the application fee, such as court costs, witness fees, genetic test costs, IRS offset fees and administrative costs associated with this case may be charged against the applicant.
Attach Document (PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF Only)

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